Overview On Audio, Speech And Language Processing

Human-machine-interaction is increasingly ubiquitous as technologies leveraging audio and language for artificial intelligence evolve. For many of our interactions with businesses--retailers, banks, even food delivery providers--we can complete our transactions by communicating with some form of AI, such as a chatbot or virtual assistant. Language is the primary component of these conversations and, consequently is a crucial component to be considered when developing AI.

By combining the processing of language and audio and speech technology companies can provide more efficient, customized customer experiences. This allows human agents to focus their time on strategic, higher-level tasks. The potential ROI is enough to convince many companies to consider investing in such tools. As more money is invested, it will lead to more experiments, leading to forward with new developments and best techniques to ensure successful deployments.

Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing, or NLP is a subfield of AI which focuses on the teaching of computers to comprehend and interpret human spoken language. It's the base of speech annotation, text recognition tools, as well as other examples of AI where people converse communicate with computers. With NLP employed as an instrument in these instances, machines can comprehend human behavior and react in a way that is appropriate, opening up huge opportunities across a variety of industries.

Audio and Speech Processing

For machine learning purposes, the analysis of audio may encompass a range of techniques such as automatic speech recognition music information retrieval auditory scene analysis for anomaly detection and much more. Models are typically utilized to distinguish between sound and speakers and to segment audio files in accordance with classes or by obtaining sound files based upon similar content. It is also possible to take speech and convert it into text in a matter of minutes.

Audio data needs some preprocessing steps, such as digitization and collection before being analyzed by an algorithm for ML.

Audio Collection and Digitization

For the start of the audio processing AI project, you'll need an abundance quality data. If you're in the process of training virtual assistants, voice-activated search algorithms and other project for transcription, then you'll require custom-designed speech data that is able to handle the scenarios you need to cover. If you're unable to find the information you're seeking, you might have to design your own or partner with a service such as GTS to get the data. This could include role-plays, scripted responses and even spontaneous conversations. For instance, when instructing a virtual assistant such as Siri or Alexa you'll need audio recordings of every command that your client might be expected to communicate to their assistant. Other audio projects may require sound clips that are not spoken like cars passing by or children playing dependent on the scenario.

Audio Annotation

When you've got the audio data ready for the purpose you intend to use it It is necessary to make notes on the data. For recording, that generally means separating the audio into speakers, layers and timestamps if needed. You'll probably need humans as labelers for this lengthy annotation task. If you're working on Speech Dataset then you'll require annotators that have a good command of the required languages, therefore sourcing them globally is a good option.

Audio Analysis

If your data is complete to be analyzed, you'll use one of the many methods to analyse it. For illustration, we'll present two well-known methods of extracting data:

Audio Transcription, or Automatic Speech Recognition

One of the most commonly used methods of processing audio transcription, also known as Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is extensively used in all industries to improve interactions between technology and humans. The aim for ASR is to convert spoken voice into text using NLP models to ensure precision. Before ASR existed, computers only record the highs and lows in our speech. Today, algorithms can recognize certain patterns within audio files, and match them to the sounds of different languages, and identify what words the speaker used.

An ASR system is comprised of several tools and algorithms to create text output. In general, two kinds of models are included:

  • Acoustic modeling: Turns sound signals into phonetic representations.
  • Model of language:Maps possible phonetic representations to the words and sentence structure that represent the language of the given.

ASR is heavily dependent on NLP to generate precise transcripts. In recent times, ASR has leveraged neural networks of deep learning to produce output that is more precise and with less supervision needed.

ASR technology will be evaluated on the basis of it's accuracy, which is measured in terms of word error rate as well as speed. The aim for ASR is to reach the same precision that a human listener. But, there are challenges to overcome in the process of navigating various dialects, accents and pronunciations, aswell being able to filter out background noises effectively.

Audio Classification

Audio input can be extremely complicated, especially when several different kinds of sound are contained in one. For instance, in the dogs' park, one could hear conversations, birds chirping, dogs barking as well as cars passing through. Audio classification solves this issue by separating audio categories.

The task of determining the audio quality begins with an AI Data Annotation and manual classification. Teams will then find important features from audio signals and then apply a classification system to sort and process them.

Real-Life Applications

Solutions to real-world business issues using audio, speech and language processing could result in improvements to customer experience reduce costs, speed up the process and labor-intensive human effort, and focus on higher-level corporate processes. Solutions to this problem are available all around us. Examples of these solutions are:

  • Chatbots and virtual assistants
  • Search functions that are activated by voice
  • Text-to-speech engines
  • Car commands
  • Transcribing meetings or calls
  • Improved security through voice recognition
  • Phone directories
  • Translation services

Where did the data come from?

IBM's initial research in the field of voice recognition was conducted as component of U.S. government's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Effective Affordable Reusable Text-to-Text (EARS) program that led to major technological advancements in speech recognition. The EARS program produced around 140 hours of supervising BN information for training and approximately 9000 hours of light-supervised training data, derived from closed captions in TV shows. In contrast, EARS produced around 2,000 hours of highly supervised human-transcribed training data to train phone conversation (CTS).

It's time to get down to business

In the initial group of tests, the team independently tested their LSTM models and ResNet models together with the ngram and FF-NNLM before adding scores from both Acoustic models to compare them with results from the earlier CTS test. In contrast to the results from the initial CTS tests, there was there was no significant decrease in Word Error Rate (WER) was observed when scores from both LSTM or ResNet models were merged. The LSTM model that has an n-gram LM is quite effective on its own and its results continue to increase with the addition of the FF-NNLM.

For the second set of experiments, word lattices were generated after decoding with the LSTM+ResNet+n-gram+FF-NNLM model. The team created an n-best list of the lattices, and then rescored them using the LSTM1-LM. The LSTM2-LM could also be used to rescore word-lattices independently. significant gains in WER were seen when using the LSTM and LMs. The researchers were able to speculate that the second fine-tuning based on the BN's specific data is what enables the LSTM2-LM to be more efficient than LSTM1 LM.


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