How GTS Manage High Quality Dataset For AI Models?

What exactly is Training Data?

Machine learning and AI models are dependent on Quality Dataset. Knowing how to efficiently collect, organize and then test your data will help you make the most of AI.

It is crucial to be able to agree of what is meant by dataset. A definition of a dataset is that it contains both columns and rows, with each column having an observation. This could comprise an image, audio-based clip, text or video. Even when you've accumulated a huge quantity of structured data within your database however, it's not classified in a manner that is actually a useful training data set to train your model. For instance autonomous vehicles don't require photos of roads, they require images with labels where every pedestrian, car street sign, street light and many more are noted. Sentiment analysis projects need labels that aid an algorithm to recognize whether someone is using the word slang or sarcasm. Chatbots require entity extraction and precise syntactic analysis, not only the raw language.

Machine Learning algorithms are able to learn from the data. They identify relationships, gain knowledge, make decisions and assess their trust based on the data they're provided with for training. The better the data used for training more accurate, the better the model will perform.

In reality the quality and amount of the machine learning training data you collect is just as crucial with the performance of your data-driven project as the algorithms themselves.

Determining the Training Data You'll Will Need

There are many aspects to consider when the decision of how much machine learning training data you will need. The first and most important is how crucial accuracy is. Let's say you're designing an algorithm to analyze sentiment. The issue isn't simple however, it's not a live or death matter. A sentiment algorithm that can achieve an accuracy of 85 to 90% is sufficient for the majority of people's needs. the false negative or positive in one place or another isn't likely significantly alter any of. Now, a cancer detection model or a self-driving car algorithm? It's a different matter. A cancer detection system that may miss crucial indicators is an issue about life or death.

Naturally, the more complex applications generally require more data than the simpler ones. A computer vision system that's trying to just identify food items as opposed to one that's trying recognize objects will generally require less training data , as the rule of thumb. The more classes the model can recognize and the more examples it'll require.

It is important to note that there is no need for excessively high-quality data. A better set of training data and more will help increase the accuracy of your models. Of course, there's an end point when the gains from the addition of more data is not enough, and it is important to be aware of this and your budget for data. It is important to establish the appropriate threshold for success, but be aware that with the right repeated attempts, you will be able to surpass that threshold with greater and more accurate data.

The effectiveness for any AI model depends upon the accuracy of the data that is input into the model. ML models run on massive amounts of data, but they are not able to function with any kind of data. They require quality AI learning data. If the output of the AI model is to be true and precise it is obvious that the data used for training the AI model should be of top quality.

The data the AI or ML models are based on must be of high-quality for businesses to get valuable and useful conclusions from it. However, the acquisition of huge amounts of data that are heterogeneous is challenges for businesses.

Businesses should trust companies such as GTS that implement stringent methods for managing data quality within their processes to combat this problem. Furthermore at GTS we also take on the constant improvement of our systems in order to meet the ever-changing requirements.

The introduction of GTS Quality Management of Data Quality Management

At Global Technology Solutions We are aware of the importance of having accurate training data as well as its role in the creation of ML models as well as the results from AI-powered solutions. Alongside checking our employees' capabilities, we are keen on enhancing their skills and knowledge as well as personal growth.

We adhere to the strictest guidelines and procedures for standard operating procedures applied at all levels of the process to ensure that our training materials meet the standards of quality.

1.Quality Management

Our quality management workflow has proven crucial in the delivery of the machine-learning and AI models. Our feedback-in-loop quality management system is a method that has been tested scientifically which has proved to be instrumental in delivering a variety of initiatives for the clients we work with. Our process for quality audits is conducted in the following way.

  • Re-reading the contract
  • Make an auditing checklist
  • Document sourcing
  • Two-Layer Auditing of Sourcing
  • Modification of text annotations
  • Annotation 2 Layer Audit
  • Delivery of Work
  • Customer Comments

2.Onboarding and selection of workers through Crowdsource.

Our stringent selection of employees and onboarding procedure sets us apart from the competitors. We follow a strict selection procedure to hire only the best annotators , based on our quality checklist. We take into consideration:

  • Prior experience as a moderator of text to ensure their expertise and experience meet our needs.
  • Previous projects' performance to ensure their efficiency and quality were in line with demands of the project.
  • A vast knowledge of the domain is essential for selecting the right worker for the specific vertical.

3.Checklist for Data Collection

Two layers of quality check is put into to ensure that only top-quality training datais transferred onto the team that follows.

Stage 1: Quality Assurance Check

GTS QA team conducts the quality check Level 1 to collect data. They examine all documents and are swiftly validated against the appropriate criteria.

Stage 2: Important Quality Analysis Check

The CQA team of experienced, credentialed and certified experts will review all of the other 20% of retrospective samples.

A few of the data source quality checkpoints include

  • Does the URL authentic? And does it permit web-scraping of data?
  • Are there any different perspectives in the selected URLs, so that bias could be prevented?
  • Does the content have been validated to be relevant?
  • Does the content cover the categories of moderation?
  • Are prioritised domains are covered?
  • Are the documents type sources with regard to the distribution of document types?

4.Checklist for Data Annotation

As with that of Data Collection, we also have two levels of quality checks to help you with data annotation.

Stage 1: Quality Assurance Check

This ensures that 100 percent of documents are checked against the quality criteria established by the team and the client.

Stage 2: Important Quality Analysis Check

This assures the 15-20% of retrospective samples are also verified and guaranteed to be of high quality. This process is carried out by the experienced and qualified CQA team, with at least 10 years of expertise in quality management and Black Belt holders.

5.Parameter Threshold

Based on the guidelines for the project and requirements of the client We have an 90-95 percent threshold for parameters. Our team is well-equipped with the knowledge and experience to carry out any of the following strategies to guarantee higher standards of quality management.

  • F1 Score or Measure F - used to evaluate the performance of two classifiers 2. ((Precision * Recall)or (Precision + Recall))
  • DPO, also known as Defects Per opportunity method calculates by a ratio to the amount of defect divided by opportunities.

6.Sample Audit Checklist

GTS audit checklist sample is complete and customizable. It can be customized to meet the needs of the client and the project. It is able to be altered according to the feedback received from the client. It is then finalized following an extensive discussion.

  • Language Check
  • URL and Domain Examine the URL and Domain
  • Diversity Check
  • The volume per language and moderating class
  • Targeted keywords
  • Type of document and importance
  • Toxic phrase test
  • Metadata check
  • Consistency check


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